Sunday, November 20, 2005

Life Changing Art

Howdy, yall.

For a truly enriching experience check out our brother Donnie's music at

Also check out

for a great band from Courtenay with Donnie among the ranks.

Cheers guys.

Friday, September 23, 2005

"Oh Lord, my soul bleeds with agony"...or "Publicly discussing personal issues for attention."

so we got this really harsh case of syphilis, and its just so, you know, draining. we're feeling so emotional and frail right now that we felt it necessary to share with the world on our blog. not that we want anyone to know we have syphilis, it's just so freeing. we really need some sympathy here. and a hug...preferably from a strong christian male. also we had a fight with our mom, so...that kinda sucked. lotsa stuff happening in our life right now. our souls bleed, they bleed with all of our souls. O God, we know that you are good. Hear our prayers, bring us relief of this dreadful suffering. We know that God will help us and heal us cuz were strong christians, and we just wanted to share that with everyone. we really feel. we really really feel.

quick rise yeast.

-dotanddeb- and guest bloggaire extraorinaire: -Dark night of the soul-

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hongcouver, the Sanfrancisco treat, ding, ding.

What's gold, and red, and looks good on a hippy?


Heh heh

dotanddeb here.

What's gangley and pale, and moving to Vancouver?


Heh heh

What's dumpy and round, and never leaving her city block off of a stretcher?


Heh heh

Yeast, Dotanddebandsirmarmadukeskidmoreesq.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Women in Diapers

We love it when people call us "women", oh, what a glorious title. Isn't it funny how you can learn such spiritual things from an infant? For example, we were meditating on the fact that Mercie wears diapers. If she needs to deficate, etc., she just goes, no thought about it, "loopaty doopaty doo", and she's done, smile on her face, because of uninterupted action. We immediately linked this with the passage in scripture in which David is quoted in saying, "I will become even more undignified than this." Well, we sure do admire David's "reckless abandon", if you will,(and even if you won't,) and we pair and admire the actions of both David, AND Mercie, and we say, "we want that."

On March 6th, 2005, we did not have a birthday party. On that day we were forced to contemplate such things as these. On march 6th, we purchased our first package of adult diapers, and on that day, we became even more undignified than this.

yeast in abundance, dotanddeb

Sunday, February 27, 2005


march 6th, 1983, a child was born. and then, another child was born.

march 6th, 2005, a surprise birthday party was thrown in honor of these two heroes and all-around "thinkers/movers and shakers"

we are available from 3pm -5:30pm Sunday March 6th.

Get cracking folks,


ps. we are registered at Chintz and Company

Thursday, December 23, 2004


hi dot. dot . i love you dot. i'm creepily obsessed with you dot. dot dot.

Monday, November 15, 2004

were'nt we dumb

Hey gice
short time no write.
we have been living in darkness until now.

until now we thought that Christianity is simple and you should obey God's commands.

how silly of us/it really is embarassing that our minds are so "in the chure"
(if you use that language)

tell us if this witnesses to your soul
we care

yeasty yeast,
DotandDeb George W. Murray